FREE Animal Research Pack
Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Subscribe to my newsletter to receive educational tips, news, and FREEBIES . Grab this freebie and provide students with the opportunity to do their own research and share their findings with their classmates. With this animal research pack, your students will be able to delve into the fascinating world of lions, tigers, and bears. They will have access to graphic organizers, writing prompts, and diagrams specifically designed to help them gather information and organize their thoughts.

The best part? You will receive a whopping 60 pages of printable worksheets, ready to go! It's an easy and convenient way for your students to learn more about these captivating creatures. If you enjoy these packs, you can visit my store for a wide selection of animal research packs.

I love creating resources that support young learners with literacy, math and science. My goal is to share my creations to help ease the workload of my colleagues.

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